Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mug Cake

Recently I came across this chocolate chip cookie dough mug cake pin that comes from

From Babble
It’s a quick cake that you make in a mug and microwave. Very little mess and just a few simple steps. It seemed right up my alley so I figured why not try it?

Step one: Crack an egg into your mug.

Step two: Add 3 Tablespoons of brown sugar.

Step three: Add 1/3 cup of flour, Tablespoon of softened butter, &Finish with 3-4 Tablespoons of mini chocolate chips.

Step four: Mix it all up.

Step five: Microwave for 1 ½ to 2 minutes and enjoy.

The Verdict: Let me first preface this by saying that I HATE eggs. Like with a passion. The only thing I dislike more, is tuna. Ewww. I don’t like the taste of eggs and what I like even less is the smell. Even as a child, when my parents would make Grace eggs for breakfast I would whine and cry because the smell made me sick.

This “chocolate chip cookie dough mug cake” just tasted like straight up eggs. It was disgusting. And knowing my distaste for eggs, this was the WORST pin I’ve ever tried!

Usually when I’m not satisfied with a pin, it’s because I didn’t like the physical appearance but it tasted fine. Or I think I made a user error and that’s why it didn’t taste great. This time, there was no way I could have made an error. It was just throwing some ingredients in a mug & microwaving.

Things to consider/note: Ha, don’t make this pin.

Oh well! For every great pin I try, there’s bound to be some failures. And that’s exactly why we have this blog, so we can share with you what works and spare you any wasted time.

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